Flower Inspiration, Rose Bouquets

Roses are such a popular choice when choosing any kind of flowers, but are particularly popular for weddings. There is something pleasing about the rose's simple charms - it's spiral of petals which draws the eye into its centre, its soft shape, or the many beautiful colours and shades available. Roses have become a tradition, and maybe a staple of wedding flowers, and while they are lovely, classic, elegant and all the rest of it....I'm starting to get a little bored with them. 

Now some of you will probably be outraged, how can I be bored with such a lovely flower? How?! Why?! Well lets set things straight. I've got nothing against roses, I like them plenty! All I'm saying is lets get a bit more imaginative when it comes to using roses for a wedding bouquet.
"Rosalind" roses from David Austin. Via Each Little Word

There are loads of gorgeous varieties of rose just begging to be made into a beautiful bouquet! Why not step away from the standard tight headed varieties and go for something more open? Using a garden rose from David Austin or The Real Flower Company can give you a very romantic and soft, blousy look, and can be lovely when mixed with seasonal berries, leaves or summer flowers. Or how about a frilly rose like the large headed King Arthur, Supergreen or smaller El Torro varieties. 
 Gorgeous bouquet of frilly "Super Green" roses, brunia, ornithogalum and dusty miller via Bow and Arrows

Go wild with colour and choose something variegated or bright. Mix it with your favorite classic rose to uplift a traditional look, or pick a selection of other bold flowers to make your bouquet really pop with colour. 
 A bright modern bouquet, using dahlias, hydrangea and nerine with roses as an accent flower. Via The Full Bouquet

There are also a number of beautiful and unusual rose varieties on the market such as the striking Purple Tiger, the lovely variegated Ranuncula, and its cousin the unsurprisingly named Green Eye, all of which would make a beautifully quirky bouquet used alone, or could add character when used along more standard style roses.
"Green Eye" roses via flowerstudioiom and "King Arthur" (source unknown)

"Ranuncula" Rose via flowerstudioiom

So lets mix it up! There are so many other varieties out there other than aqua and akito - lets use them with wild abandon!