Leigh and James Beautiful Black and White Edinburgh Wedding

Leigh and James had a gorgeously simple colour scheme for their wedding. Just black and white. 

Now I'm a girl who loves colour - I can get lost thinking about a thousand summery shades of pink, blue and purple - but it was really refreshing to do some flowers that were just black and white. Simple and beautiful. Plus, you know how much of an anemone obsession I have (not to mention ranunculus) so I was super happy when Leigh said she wanted to have both. 

We used white ostrich feathers and pinned Leigh's grandmothers brooch to the handle of the bouquet to give it a little bit of vintage glamour. Leigh and James got married in the Rowantree in Edinburgh, for those not acquainted with it, its a wonderfully atmospheric space with lots of exposed stone and candles, so it was nice to keep the flowers very simple. 

Making James' buttonhole made me fall in love with buttonholes all over again - I used white ranunculus, broom and eucalyptus for a really natural feel. And we decorated the lovely cake with more anemones, ranunculus and broom. I will confess, it was hard to resist taking a bit out of the back and covering it with a strategically placed flower.... 

I have so much more pretty to show you very soon my lovelies, I'm going to try and get blogging more regularly as once a month just won't do! Xx 

PS. All the photographs were taken by the immensely talented Lillian and Leonard.
They are pretty amazing, and if you are reading this from London, you need to *go hire them right away*. Its pretty great getting to work with your besties on lovely weddings like this one.