Valentines Flowers and Pierrot et Coco

Just in case any of you could have failed to forget about Valentines Day (which is pretty difficult when every shop on the high street is emblazoned with hearts and you can't actually buy anything thats not red or pink) I thought I would remind you that there is another option for the romantically inclined.....

I Heart Flowers has teamed up with the gorgeous Pierrot et Coco in Glasgow's Southside to offer a beautiful range of flowers and gifts. As Pierrot et Coco put it best - "For those with impeccable taste who like to shun the foily ballon/fluffy stuff/teddy bear/uninspired dozen red roses gift." 

Designs are available for delivery locally in Glasgow or for collection from the shop on Monday or Tuesday. And we can even send a (not so) subtle hint hint via email to your loved ones who you think might need a bit of inspiration.

My lovely designs are available to order, or from Monday ready to take away from Pierrot et Coco, so get down there and take a look at the flowers on show and browse the delicious range of gift loveliness at Pierrot et Coco. And take it from me, their chocolates do NOT disappoint. I can often be found loitering by the chocolate display, sniffing the air and licking my chops. You should come just for the chocolates people. 
For more information and to order please get in touch - simply email or pop into the delightful Pierrot et Coco at 3 Abbot Street, Shawlands, Glasgow.