Columbine Flower Meaning and Symbolism

Columbine Flower Meaning - The columbine, or Aquilegia canaensis, is part of the buttercup family and considered to be one of the most popular wildflowers for its beauty, history and various meanings. When found in the wild in the Rocky Mountains, the columbine flower is blue-petaled, while in eastern North America it is red; various colors are grown commercially. Five- or seven-petaled with spur-like flowers, the columbine symbolizes characteristics that range from foolishness to innocence. 

Columbine Flower Meaning, Columbine Flower Symbolism
Columbine Symbolism of the columbine flower is varied, and often quite confusing. It was once believed that this flower was a symbol for cuckoldry and foolishness, at the same time, however, it was considered a symbol of fidelity and holiness.
Columbine Flower Meaning, Columbine Flower Symbolism
Columbine Flower, though, these flowers are given as gifts to represent its more modern meanings of seduction, anxious excitement and a strong will to win. These flowers make very uncommon but beautiful and meaningful gifts, and are sometimes given as potted plants or simple, single-cut flowers.
Columbine Flower Meaning, Columbine Flower Symbolism

Columbine Flower Meaning, Columbine Flower Symbolism

Columbine Flower Meaning, Columbine Flower Symbolism