Peony Flower With a recorded history that dates back thousands of years,
it’s not surprising that even the mythology surrounding the origin of
the peony has multiple versions. One legend has it that the peony is
named after Paeon, a physician to the gods, who received the flower on
Mount Olympus from the mother of Apollo. And another tells the story of
that same physician who was “saved” from the fate of dying as other
mortals by being turned into the flower we know today as the peony.
The traditional floral symbol of China, the state flower of Indiana, and
the 12th wedding anniversary flower, peonies are known as the flower of
riches and honor. With their lush, full, rounded bloom, peonies embody
romance and prosperity and are regarded as an omen of good fortune and a
happy marriage.
Peony flowers are frequently used as ornamental plants and as the
subject of a good deal of art – from ancient Chinese watercolor
paintings, to modern day body art. This is not surprising, as peonies
have a long history in legends and folklore. The most commonly accepted
myth is that of Paeon who, although he later became the physiciann of
gods, was initially the student of Asclepius who became jealous of
Paeon’s abilities. To save Paeon from the anger of Asclepius, Zeus
intervened and turned Paeon into a peony flower. A variation of this
myth states that a lovely wood nymph called Paeonia was well loved by
the gods, so the jealous goddess Venus transformed her into a delicate,
blushing peony flower. Peony flowers also have a large part in folk
medicine. The idea of peonies as a sort of medicine began during the
Middle Ages, when madmen were covered with peony petals and leaves, as
the oils were thought to have a soothing, curative effect. All
throughout history, though, all parts of the peony have been thought to
do everything from easing the pain of childbirth to curing jaundice.
Although these plants have long been used for their wide variety of
medicinal uses, people are still urged to take precaution, as these
flowers, when taken in large doses, are considered poisonous to consume.
In the Language of Flowers, peonies were said to represent bashfulness or even shame. However, today, peony flowers are considered a more luscious symbol of romance, and are thought to be a good omen for happy, prosperous unions. As a gift, these flowers may be given for a variety of reasons – to wish someone a happy life with their new spouse or to celebrate a 12th wedding anniversary. They may represent a wish for the recipient to receive endless love or endless wealth and esteem.