A head full of ideas

Time seems to have been passing both incredibly fast and mind numbingly slowly over the last few days here. I have had a million ideas racing through my mind about everything under the sun - developing my website, my portfolio, products for my etsy shop, packaging, delivery charges, couriers vs postal services, logos and designs....the list goes on like that, and you can also add on all those silly things a girl has to remember to do around the house. At the same time I seem to be making very little progress with any of these different things. It took me a whole morning and most of the afternoon to figure out what I was doing with my little logo, but now its finally finished I do feel quite pleased with myself. In case you are wondering, its at the top of this page on the header.

I'm hoping soon to have my first little bits up on etsy as well. I have been making some pretty brooches and as well as these I'll be doing little tea cups filled with lovely spring bulbs. I'm currently hunting around for vintage tea cups and shiny little trinkets to plant up with narcissi, muscari, paperwhites, hyacinths, snowdrops - whatever lovely bulbs I can get my hands on.

Since my hours at work were cut last week I've also been on the hunt for some other work to tide me over until I can stand on my own two feet. I was digging around in my photograph albums on the computer looking for pictures of my work to take to potential interviews, and I found some of the work I did at college when I first started studying floristry. I really enjoyed making these bridal posies even though I didnt have a clue what I was doing at the time, and I just love the hot pinks and deep purples together, its one of my favorite colour combinations.

I also came across this picture which was one of a set taken for me last year. I adore ranunculus, it comes in so many beautiful shades and I cant wait to make something else pretty with them. I also love the old style dutch roses with their green and pink hue, which gives that lovely antique feel to the flowers.